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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I have checked the authors guidelines and my manuscript is prepared according to the journal requirements (your manuscript will be sent back without review if not submitted according to the submission requirements)
  • The title page (with authors details) is submitted as a separate file
  • The Blinded manuscript body text is submitted without authors details
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

Author Guidelines

There are no words limit or length restrictions of the manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Environmental Science and Economics. The manuscripts submitted to this journal should neither be published before nor be under consideration for publication in another journal. All the manuscripts should be submitted online though the journal online submission system.

The submission must have the following two files;

  1. Title page (Include the study title, authors names in order and indication of corresponding author, email address of all authors, affiliations of all authors, full address of institute and country name). Academic titles such as Dr. Professor, Principal etc are not allowed and only real names should be used
  2. Blinded manuscript (this file must be without author details and the file must have the study title, abstract of no more than 300 words, three to six keywords, Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Results and discussions and conclusions. All the cited references should be attached at the end of the manuscript). If you have any further issue regarding your submission, please write and email to us via
  3. Cover Letter: Authors can prepare a separate file named cover letter. It must contain these statements: 1. The manuscript is not currently under consideration or has not been published in another journal. 2. Acknowledgement, 3. Funding statement, 4. Statement of conflict of interests, 5. Authors contribution 6. Data availability statement
  4. Suggested Reviewers: A separate word file should be added which includes three suggested reviewers, their emails and affiliations.

The templates can be downloaded from here;

Template manuscript

Template Title page

  1. Manuscript Preparation Summary 
  • Article type: Research article, Review articles, and, Case Studies.
  • Article Length: There is no limit on the article length
  • Acceptable file format: All manuscripts must be prepared in MS word. The authors may download already published paper from our journal to know more about the structure of our journal
  • Font: Time new roman 11 font size, 1.15 line spacing
  • Title page: Title, Author names in order, Affiliations with full address and country name.
  • Manuscript: Abstract, Keywords, 1. Introduction, 2. Literature review, 3. Methodology, 4. Results and Discussion, 5. Conclusions, Funding, Acknowledgement, conflict of interest, References,  and Appendix (if any). 
  • Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 300 words. It should provide a brief overview of the article. 
  • Keywords: Three to six keywords need to be added after the abstract.
  • Tables and Figures: All tables and figures must be in the main text after the paragraph of its first citation.
  • Reference: For references, authors need to follow standard format [APA]. The citation should be authors names and all the cited references should be attached as a list at the end of the manuscript after conclusion. Authors may use endnote and get references directly from Google scholar.
  • Cover Letter (Optional): Authors can prepare a separate file named cover letter. It must contain the statement: “The manuscript is not currently under consideration or has not been published in another journal.” 

2.Article Types

  • Research Articles: research manuscripts that report new evidence or new conclusions. All original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information.
  • Reviews: Review articles are intended to be topical, comprehensive summaries of the state-of-the-art in a particular aspect of Science. Review articles must be substantial, authoritative, and critical reviews of published results of high current interest on recent active topics (with key developments). The reviews should have a high potential for a broad impact. A critical assessment and analysis of the literature should be included, rather than a simple collation of published information. The review should provide a balanced look at the field, and the work of the authors should not be overemphasized. Possible future developments, insights about remaining challenges, and future directions should also be presented and discussed.
  • Case Studies:  For field-research cases, permissions are required from the organization, and all persons interviewed/involved.

3.Title Page 

These sections should appear in all manuscript types

  • Title: The title of your manuscript should be concise, specific, and relevant. It should identify if the study reports (human or animal) trial data, or is a systematic review, meta-analysis, or replication study.
  • Author List and Affiliations: Authors' full first and last names must be provided in order. Affiliation and institutions name, full address  including country name and email address should be provided. One corresponding authors should be indicated.
  • Funding: All sources of funding of the study should be disclosed. Clearly indicate the name of the funding authority and the grant number of the fund that you have received in support of your research work.
  • Acknowledgments: You can acknowledge any individual or institutional support that you have received during the course of your research.
  • Conflict of interest: The authors should declare a conflict of interest.
  • Availability of Data: Authors must give statement of the data availability
  1. Structure of the Manuscript
  • Research manuscripts should comprise:
    • Title page: Title, Author list, Affiliations, Funding, Acknowledgement
    • Manuscript: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions
    • References
    • Appendix
  • Abstract (For research articles): The abstract should not exceed 300 words. It should provide a brief overview of the article. 
  • Keywords: Three to six keywords need to be added after the abstract
  • Introduction: The introduction should briefly place the study in a broad context and highlight why it is important. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance. As far as possible, please keeps the introduction comprehensible to readers working outside the topic of the paper.
  • Literature review: The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully and key publications cited. This section should include specific hypotheses being tested (if required).
  • Methodology: This section should indicate the methods used such as variables used, data collection, sampling technique and so on.
  • Results and discussions: Provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation as well as the experimental conclusions that can be drawn. Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted from the perspective of previous studies and of the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible.
  • Conclusions: The authors should give the conclusions obtained from the results. The limitation and future research direction should also be given here in last paragraphs of the conclusion


  • 5. Preparing Figures, Schemes, and Tables
  • Figures and schemes in common formats are accepted, however, MS Word, TIFF, JPEG, EPS, and PDF are preferred.
  • All Figures, Schemes, and Tables should be inserted into the main text close to their first citation and must be numbered following their number of appearances (Figure 1, Scheme I, Figure 2, Scheme II, Table 1, ).
  • All Figures, Schemes, and Tables should have a short explanatory title and caption.
  • The authors should use the Table option of Microsoft Word to create tables. In tables, avoid vertical lines. Please see the sample below:
  1. References

The authors must cite the relevant literature both in the text and attached references. The authors must cite the relevant literature both in the text and references. For example, Khan, H., Khan, I., & Binh, T. T. (2020). The heterogeneity of renewable energy consumption, carbon emission and financial development in the globe: a panel quantile regression approach. Energy Reports6, 859-867.

  1. Publication Ethics Statement

The editors of this journal enforce a rigorous peer-review process together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high-quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. Unfortunately, cases of plagiarism, data falsification, image manipulation, inappropriate authorship credit, and the like, do arise. The editors of the this journal take such publishing ethics issues very seriously and maintain a zero-tolerance policy. Plagiarism is strictly not acceptable in this journal that’s includes copying text, ideas, images, or data from another source, even from your own publications, without giving any credit to the original source. Reuse of text that is copied from another source must be between quotes and the original source must be cited. If a study's design or the manuscript's structure or language has been inspired by previous works, these works must be explicitly cited.

If plagiarism is detected during the peer review process, the manuscript may be rejected. If plagiarism is detected after publication, we may publish a correction or retract the paper.

Note: Journal of Environmental Science and Economics has partnered with LetPub to recommend English editing support for authors prior to submission. For authors whose native language is not English, editorial support from LetPub is a useful pre-submission resource. Please note that the use of editing and translation services does not guarantee your manuscript will be accepted for publication.


Research Article

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