About the Journal

Journal of Agriculture Sustainability and Environment (JASE) ISSN:2997-271X is an international open access journal publishes high quality research in the area of agriculture environment, sustainable agriculture and other closely related fields.

Country: United States

ISSN:  2997-271X

Frequency: Semiannual

Access: Open

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Call for Special Issue proposals and guidelines for Guest Editors


Special issues are an important part of information visualization. They deal with current professional topics of high interest which fall within the scope of the journal. They should be organized by recognized experts in the field and attract articles of the highest quality. Special issue proposals are welcome at any time of the year and should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief (email can be found on the journal website).

Read more about Call for Special Issue proposals and guidelines for Guest Editors

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-30


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Journal of Agriculture Sustainability and Environment (JASE)  is an international open access journal publishes high quality research in the area of agriculture environment, sustainable agriculture and other closely related fields. JSAE publishes original research articles, review articles, mini reviews and case reports. Authors can submit both experimental and theoretical work for possible publication.

Aim and Scope

The scope of the journal includes; All aspects of agriculture production, Environmental science, including agriculture impacts on environment, Effective agricultural techniques and practices for sustainable food production, Environmental conservation and biodiversity preservation on agricultural lands,  Climate change and its implications on agriculture and food security,  Sustainable water management and its role in agriculture,   Agroecology and its contribution to sustainable development,  Innovations in agricultural technology for enhanced sustainability, Policy frameworks and strategies for promoting sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship.

Article types

Journal of Agriculture Sustainability and Environment publishes:

  • Full papers
  • Reviews
  • Minireviews

Journal Basics information

  • Serial type: Journal
  • Format: Electronic version
  • Format: Electronic version
  • Peer Review: Double-blind-peer review
  • Website:  https://www.jescae.com/index.php/jase
  • Editor: Dr. Izhar Ali (Editor-in-Chief)
  • Frequency: Semiannual
  • Content type: Academic/Scholarly
  • Language: English
  • Status: Active
  • Publisher:  Global Scientific Research