About the Journal
Global Sustainability Research (ISSN: 2833-986X) is an Open Access journal dedicated to supporting the rapidly expanding area of global sustainability research, publishes original research which seeks to address and discuss ways to deliver sustainable development. The journal publishes articles related to environmental, cultural, economic and social sustainability of human beings, which provides an advanced forum for studies related to sustainability and sustainable development.
Article types
The Global Sustainability Research publishes:
- Full papers
- Reviews
- Minireviews
Journal Basics information
- Serial type: Journal
- Format: Electronic version
- ISSN: 2832-6032 (Online)
- Website: https://www.jescae.com/index.php/gssr
- Editor: Dr.Hayat Khan (Editor-in-Chief)
- Frequency: The Global Sustainability Research publishes quarterly (Every three months in March, June, September, December).
- Content type: Academic/Scholarly
- Language: English
- Publisher: Global Scientific Research